I am 3 days away from birthing my second child, this could be my last or it may be only the start... will see right? I am trying to get everything in place and perfect before the big day, will that happen? No, because i have a precious 2 year old who likes to mess it all up over again, but I don't mind. Thats what being a Mommy is all about. :)
Princess is very excited about Baby Jackson coming. I told her she gets to change his diaper when she meets him for the first time, she reminds me often that she is going to do this.
I feel like I may have forgot a few things...but some how I'm sure I will remember.
Wish me luck! Can't wait to do the first blog about us 4 !

I am excited about holding another little Elizabeth again...
I am even more excited about becoming a Mommy to two wonderful babies :)