What a sweet sister! She's actually checking his finger nails out to make sure he isn't biting them. E started biting her finger nails a while back and I told her Princess' do not bite their nails, and now everyday for the past week AT least 5 times a day she shows me her nails. She no longer bites them, because that's how much self will she has and determination to be a princess. :)
6 Month Chunky Love
Oh, how I adore this little boy, 6 months old and full of love to give! Such a cuddle bug, the words of "I could eat you up" come to my mind quite often. Such a happy baby that LOVES his sissy. The other day I tried and tried to get him to smile at me, he only wanted to look at E and smile. How do babies just know kids? Elizabeth use to just smile at kids from an early age.
Last time I blogged Jackson was just laying there cooing and smiling at me.
How they change in just 3 small months.
Cherish every moment with them, cause my friend it goes by so fast!
Look at this boy? I just love the drool coming out of his mouth! Soon to be teeth, but they can wait! He is already growing up way too fast!!
(Yes, I do realize I cut his head off.)
Those lips & that curl :=)

Oh, my word!!! Can there please be a "squeeze me" button right under this picture??!!!!
He looks just like my brother did when he was a baby...its kind of freaky and cool at the same time. I just hope my brother and sis in law have a baby girl that looks just like me!!!! ;)
We just got back from Florida and had a great trip! E loved the water and at this point has no fear! I put Jackson's feet in the water and he laughed and started kicking!
We went to our Annual arcade place, the same place my parents use to take me when I was Elizabeth's age.
Goodness! Can you get any prettier?
By the way, she told me last week when she gets big shes getting married. I stuck my bottom lip out and told her she couldn't ever leave Mommy and Daddy. Then she kissed me and said, "I can marry you Mommy."
Just this past week they started playing so good together. E always makes him laugh!
This picture makes me want at least two more babies!!!
... that's right, a total of FOUR babies in the Shaw house hold!
Baby Love
Princess playing in the mud AKA making mud pies for Mommy :)

...and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Why does she have to look 5 years old?
...and just to think some boy is going to break her little heart one day.
stay little :(
This little 3 year old still melts my heart...