Today is a brand new day, however, i did not sleep from the time my husband left for the gym (5:00AM), i laid there and kept thinking of what i had to accomplish for today, some emails i needed to send and what i was going to cook for supper tonight. We are having friends over, so that means no experiment night! I really don't like to try anything new for company, just in case it doesn't turn out. Now a dessert, i will try a new one every night. :) Am i the only wife who pretty much makes a dessert every night? Thats really bad! If i don't make a dessert I'm shoveling ice cream or chocolate chip cookies down my throat. Speaking of Choc chip cookies, my sister-in-law makes the yummiest, evenly rounded cookies you have ever seen in your life. They are all the same size and shape. I couldn't do that in a million years if i tried :) When my husband and I first got married he would always say, "bake them cookies that my sister makes", so i did, and he would say, "their good, but not like my sisters." So the closest thing i can get to hers is the store bought break apart Nestle Toll House ones...... Still not sure what to fix for supper tonight! Grrrr.....