I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.

My 2 year old Baby Girl
It seems like I was just sitting down at the computer last year saying, "I can't believe my baby girl is turning 2", and here I am one year later saying the same words but another year later, and now it is 3. I can use the words of, "where does the time go?"...but I simply don't know, but these 2 years and 11 months I am so grateful and blessed to have shared so many wonderful times with Her.
I have laughed till I've cried, I have repeated myself till I was blue in the face, I've went to bed thinking all I've done is get on to her all day long, I have cried when I've punished Her... but no matter what, they forget how you punish them and only respect you more... and still give you hugs and kisses after all.

Legs crossed... too funny!! This is one of the first times she has wore shoes that fit between her toes.. notice her toes on the right.. ha ha ha ha!!!
It's the small things that excite princess...
going to the library and seeing the turtle, going for a walk, giving her a pop cicle right before bed time, letting Boots the cat in to play, letting her help change a diaper and her FAVORITE - sleeping with Mommy and Daddy :) ahhhh.... ;)
I wanted to make sure I wrote down some things that She says, to most it will mean nothing, to me, in years to come it will mean everything. I have decided since writing a daily diary is a thing of the past, blogging is my diary. :)
By Elizabeth:
"that's how we dos it!"
"God is great, God is good, let us dank him for our food, by his hands we are fed, div us dord our daily bread, amen."
"sit wite here"
"her want to"
"Mama will you marry me?"
"I'm buzzzzzz light year!"
"that frustrates me"
"let's get evvbri-dang"
"dats my baby brodder"
"It's a wooonderful day"
"twintle, twintle wittle tar how I wonder what you are"
Since baby Jackson has came along she has taken on new roles, mothering everything, from babies to sticks outside. Has invisible friends and even talks to acorns. She is learning to share the love with Mommy and Daddy. What a good sport she has been, she asked me the other night, "why we keeping Jackson?" :) maybe she thought he was only staying for a little while?
Speaking of baby Jackson, some one just looked at me with those big blue eyes and gerber baby curl and melted my heart. He was on his tummy a couple weeks back and lifted his head up and looked at me. I once again, as like every day.. melted. :)
Happy 3 Months Love!!!
I am so blessed with two wonderful kids, I know every parent says the same words , but parenting is an awesome thing.

I will cherish each day with my babies.
Don't Blink...