A year gone by so quickly, its crazy to think how fast life goes. As a kid, looking into the future seemed so far away. I thought the day would never come that I would be able to drive.
Now I'm posting about my second child turning one, Lord have mercy!
I've learned with my boy Jackson that there is nothing dainty about him/boys. If there is a ball, a toy, or his bottle, it will be thrown. If there is a spot of his head that DOES not have a mark, he will find that spot and make a mark. He's had more battle wounds in his first year than Elizabeth has ever had. Falling off the bed and diving from a chair head first for a toy are daily adventures. Diapers changed? Oh, EACH and EVERY time I kid you not, he wrestles me and makes me work for the pooh! Temper? Ha Ha Ha.. he got that from his Daddy I guess, Mommy doesn't have one. ;)
...but talking about cuddly? I could squeeze and kiss him all the time. All you have to do is tell him to give you love and its over, he will kiss and kiss and kiss with those slobbery lips. If I could store those kisses in a jar I would.
There he is, my sweet birthday boy!
Sissy sure helped Mommy out with the party!!

1...2...3....SMASH CAKE!

Nahhhh, I'll just poke at it.
...and that is exactly what he did.
I love him so much, I can't imagine our world without a little boy and girl.
It's perfect.
Happy Birthday buddy, I love you to the moon and back and around again!
Love, Mommy