We just got back from the Mid-West, oh how i love it up there :) Not too cold yet, trees have already turned, started Christmas shopping, we cooked for about ten men while we were there. Couldn't try too many new recipes due to the fact that we would have to make about 3 pots of everything. Men sure do eat alot!! :) P.S. we did happen to have a UFC Fighter with us up there and he ate a whole pot himself... but thats another story.
I was able to take some pictures on the farm of my little, darling Princess.
Today is the day we put up Nana and Grandpa's Christmas tree, twenty minutes into hanging the ornaments Princess E broke her first one. :) I thought the one i gave her was plastic, boy it sure did fool me when it busted into one thousand pieces!!! I love this time of year, I just wish it was cooler and not in the seventy's today!!! ..but we have on our Christmas music, so that gets us in the mood. Have i ever mentioned that my mom CANNOT have just a normal tree with all the pretty little sentimental ornaments?? Instead she has this enormously, huge tree that is like twelve foot tall and spreads it seems like six foot around!!! It is absolutely gorgeous!! Nothing like Mom's Christmas tree! E has put three ornaments on the tree, she hangs them from the lights...thats where their suppose to go, HELLO DOES ANYONE NOT KNOW THIS?? That's what we've been doing wrong this whole time....
Speaking of time, I sure do miss my hubby, all i will say is its hunting season, so therefore i have no husband :(
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